
How Vaccines Dysregulate The Immune System and Impact Genetic Control Over Disease Expression
Dr Jordan.
How Vaccines Dysregulate the Immune Syst[...]
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The Mark of the Beast _ eBook
Dr Jordan.
The Mark of the Beast EBook PDF.pdf
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Vaccine issues _ WSAVA Guidelines
Juin 2018
Dr Dodds.
Vaccine Issues WSAVA Guidelines Dodds I[...]
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Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) Annual Conference
Mai 2018
Vaccine related issues
Dr Dodds.
AVA Vaccine-Related Issues May 2018.pdf
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Comparison of antibody responses after vaccination with two inactivated rabies vaccines
Comparison of antibody responses after v[...]
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Portrait statistique et prospectif des cabinets veterinaires
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Duration of Immunity, Schultz
Duration of Immunity Schultz (1).pdf
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Rapport ANSES: Pharmacovigilance Veterinaire
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Les vaccins et la vaccination antirabique des animaux domestiques et sauvages en Europe
Les vaccins et la vaccination antirabiqu[...]
PDF Fichier [735.4 KB]
WSAVA Vaccination guidelines 2015, page 8
"Particular mention should be made of canine rabies vaccines. The VGG recommends that in any country in which canine rabies is endemic, vaccination of dogs should be strongly recommended to clients by veterinarians, even if not required by law. Revaccination intervals for canine rabies are often mandated by law. Internationally available killed rabies vaccines were initially produced with a licensed 1-year DOI and so statutes required annual revaccination. These same products now carry a 3-year DOI in many countries, where laws have been modified to incorporate this change. However, in some countries the legal requirement is at odds with the vaccine license and in others neither the vaccine license, nor the law, has been changed. Finally, some countries also have locally-manufactured rabie
WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines 2015 Full V[...]
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Veterinary and Human vaccine evaluation methods _ The Royal Society _ T.J.D Knight-Jones, K. Edward, S. Gubbins, D.J. Paton _ 24 mars 2014
"Vaccine effectiveness studies are essential for measuring protection actually achieved within a vaccination programme. Cluster trials performed under ordinary field conditions are particularly informative. Adoption of these methods by the veterinary sector would provide a better understanding of the full benefits and costs of vaccination. This evidence base would help to secure funding for effective disease control and leave less room for speculative policy-making. However, evaluation
of protection at the populationlevel requires central coordination."
Veterinary and human vaccine methods _ U[...]
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Liste des vaccins antirabiques autorisés en France _ ANMV _ Février 2015
Liste des vaccins antirabiques autorisés[...]
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Validité vaccins rage Europe
Validite vaccin rage Europe.pdf
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MERIAL _ Courrier changement protocole rappel vaccinal rage _ 2014
Merial courrier juin 2014 rabisin.jpg
Image JPG [51.0 KB]
La vaccinationn des carnivores domestiques _ These Alfort _ Caroline Leprêtre _ 2008
La vaccination des carnivores domestique[...]
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Signification pratique des anticorps rabiques chez le chat et le chien _ Dr Michel Aubert _ 1993
Signification pratique des anticorps rab[...]
PDF Fichier [1.2 MB]
Réponse immunitaire secondaire même sans anticorps decelables
Rabies challenge _ defense immunitaire m[...]
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Italian scientific study _ Fibrosarcomas at presumed sites of injection in Dogs _ 2002
Italian scientific study _ Fibrosarcomas[...]
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Rabies adverse vaccine reactions Dogs _ 2008
Rabies Adverse Vaccine Reactions Dogs 20[...]
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Duration of Immunity _ Dr Schultz
Duration of Immunity Schultz.pdf
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Rabies Compendium
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AAHA Vaccine Report
AAHA VaccineReport.pdf
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Licence Rabdonum _ Zoetis _ 3yrs
Licence RABDOMUN Zoetis 3yrs.pdf
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Nobivac licence UK
Nobivac licence UK.pdf
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AMM Nobivac Rage _ Intervet
AMM Nobivac Rage Intervet.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [149.7 KB]
Ireland licence Nobivac _ Intervet
Ireland licence nobivac intervet.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [25.8 KB]
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