
Etudes faites par des scientifiques français sur le Chien montrant l’importance de mise en place de pratiques d’élevage différentes:


  • 2014 : Leroy G, Phocas F, Hedan B, Verrier E, Rognon X.  Inbreeding impact on litter size and survival in selected canine breeds.  Vet J 2015


  • 2012 : Leroy G., Rognon X.  Assessing the impact of breeding strategies on inherited disorders and genetic diversity in dogs. Vet J194: 343-348.


  • 2011 : Leroy G. Genetic diversity, inbreeding and breeding practices in dogs: Results from pedigree analyses. Vet J189, 177-182.


  • 2011 : Leroy G, Baumung R. Mating practices and the dissemination of genetic disorders in domestic animals, based on the example of dog breeding, Anim Genet 42, 66-74.


  • 2009 : Leroy G., Verrier E., Mériaux J.C., Rognon X.  Genetic diversity of dog breeds: Relations between breeds, breed assignation and conservation approaches. Anim Genet40, 333-343. 


  • 2006 : Leroy, G., X. Rognon, et al. Genetic variability in French dog breeds assessed by pedigree data. J Anim Breed Genet123(1), 1-9.
Genetic diversity and breed management in dogs
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Inbreeding impact on litter size
Inbreeding impact on litter size_accepte[...]
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Gouvernement français :

  • Assemblée Nationale, 14 janvier 2014, question n°47437 de M. Alain Marty
Rapport COPERCI _ La Gestion des races canines _ 2005
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Le role de l'Etat dans l'encadrement de la genetique des carnivores domestiques
Le role de lEtat dans lencadrement de la[...]
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Complément d'informations:

Genetic diversity and population structure of the synthetic Pannon white rabbit revealed by pedigree analyses _ 2014
Genetic diversity and population structu[...]
Document Adobe Acrobat [881.0 KB]
Selection etat des lieux alarmant dresse par les scientifiques et les solutions a apporter
Selection, l'etat des lieux alarmant dre[...]
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Abstract _ Population structure and inbreeding from pedigree analyses of purebred dogs _ Calboli and Co
Population structure and inbreeding from[...]
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A new direction for Kennel Club regulations and breed standard
A new direction for kennel club regulati[...]
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Pedigree dog breeding in the UK a major welfare concern _ summary
Pedigree dog breeding in the UK a major [...]
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History and structure of the closed pedigreed population of Icelandic Sheepdogs _ Pieter A Oliehoek _ 2008
Pieter Oliehoek.pdf
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Genetic impoverishment of the Azawakh in Europe _ Elisabeth Naumann
Genetic impoverishment of the Azawakh in[...]
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Estimated relatedness between individuals in general populations with a focus on their use in conservation programs
Estimating relatedness between individua[...]
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Purebred dog breeds into the twenty first century achieving genetic health for our dogs _ J Jeffrey Bragg _ 1996
Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty Fir[...]
Document Adobe Acrobat [210.9 KB]
Breeding against hip and elbow dysplasia in dogs _ Katariina Maki _ 2004
Breeding against hip and elbow dysplasia[...]
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Regulations on the welfare and animal protection in France and in Europe _ OIE
Regulations on the welfare and animal pr[...]
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